Welcome to A1A Wholesale Supply, LLC (“A1A”).   

The terms that govern your purchase of products from A1A and payment for the same are provided below.  

You are accepting and agree to be bound by A1A’s terms, which constitute a legally binding agreement between you and A1A.



  1. Payment Terms. Invoice payment is due by the end of the business day of receipt of Invoice by the customer. A1A will grant the customer a grace period which extends the Invoice payment due date to the day of delivery completion.   


  1. Notice of Defects. After delivery is complete, Customer has 3 additional business days to report any defects in writing to A1A. Customer may report the defects via email. It is Customer’s responsibility to inspect the shipment upon receipt and to insure that all goods delivered match the items order/invoiced. 


  1. Late Fees. If Customer does not report a defect within 3 days of delivery and Customer has not paid the invoice in full, then A1A may charge late fees beginning on the 10th business day after delivery was completed. 


Late fees are 1% of the invoice balance due per business day.


  1. Advance Payment; Guarantees. A1A may at any time demand advance partial or full payment, additional security or guarantee of prompt payment before initiating shipments. If Customer refuses to give the advance payment, security or guarantee demanded, A1A may terminate the Agreement, refuse to deliver any undelivered goods and Customer shall immediately become liable to A1A for the unpaid price of all goods delivered and for damages for breach of contract. Customer agrees to pay A1A the cost of collection of overdue invoices, including reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by A1A in collecting said sums. 


  1. 2NDS & B-GRADE Materials. Customer acknowledges and accepts that purchases of re-packaged, 2nds, or B-grade materials are “as-is” and there is no warranty written or implied regarding product quality or usability for these products. 


  1. Waiver, Mistake. A1A’s waiver of any provision herein or any breach thereof, shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach thereof, nor of any other provision herein. A1A may correct any errors herein, on any invoice issued to Customer, or on its published price sheets, and such correction shall operate to amend this Agreement.


  1. Conflicting Provisions. A1A expressly WAIVES all provisions contained in any of A1A’s correspondence or forms involved in this sale which negate, limit, extend or conflict with provisions herein and agrees that this Agreement constitutes the entire contract between Customer and A1A except as expressly negated, limited or extended by A1A IN WRITING and signed by an officer of A1A.


  1. Choice of Law. This Agreement is deemed to be made in Florida. Buyer and Seller expressly agree this Agreement is to be governed by the Uniform Commercial Code as enacted and construed in Florida. 



Customer(s) have carefully read and agree to these Terms and Conditions. If any term, provision, covenant or condition of this agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction or an arbitrator to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining terms and provisions of this agreement will remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated.

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